Apple Watch
Guide: Connecting the CORE sensor to your Apple Watch
- Make sure the iPhone and the AppleWatch have the latest OS version installed.
- Download and install the CORE phone app.
- Install the CORE watch app on your AppleWatch:
- Open the app store on your AppleWatch.
- Search for the CORE watch app (use the keywords "core" and "corebodytemp").
- Install and start the CORE watch app.
- Wear CORE for a few minutes (if you do not wear CORE, no valid temperature will be broadcast).
- Start the core app:
- Connect the app to your CORE device.
- In the CORE app, go to settings (cogwheel on the top right).
- You will see an option "apple watch". Select "ENABLED".
- Keep the CORE app running in the background.
If you have completed all of these steps, the core body temperature data will now display on your Apple watch.