Heat training is a new concept for many coaches and athletes. Before CORE, doing heat training with any sort of precision was difficult and expensive. CORE technology has made real-time core temperature monitoring – and thus, heat training and adaptation– affordable and accessible to all.
Still, there is a lot of background knowledge and protocols that will optimize your athletes’ use of CORE. The more you understand about “how it all works,” the better you can integrate CORE into your coaching programme.
For further questions and discussions please see our CORE community.
This page gives resources for the following topics:
How Hot is it Really? The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature is much more predictive of the air's cooling potential than simply looking at air temperature alone.
Printed texts
Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology. A technical look at the major topics and debates in the field of environmental physiology. Purchase from Amazon.
Heat Stress in Sports and Exercise: Thermophysiology of Health and Performance. The physiology of heat stress, recommendations on optimising health and performance, and more. Purchase from Amazon.
We are buildng a community of coaches who believe that technology, data, and careful analysis can help push the boundaries of human performance. These data-driven coaches grow the expertise in using core body temperature in training and racing.
If you or your organization is interested in becoming a leading innovator and join a group of like-minded coaches, please contact us for more information.