CORE supports Arnaud Manzanini's "The North Call" challenge

At CORE, we are proud to support exceptional athletes with our technology, helping them achieve new challenges and break limits.

In January 27th 2021, ultra-distance athlete Arnaud Manzanini will start his next challenge, ‘The North Calling’: a 1,000-km ride through Lapland. Arnaud will use CORE to monitor his core body temperature as he rides in freezing temperatures and the perpetual winter night beyond the Arctic Circle.

Arnaud Manzanini is a well-known French ultra-athlete. His achievements include the 5,000-km Race Across America, as well as organising the Race Across France. He also hosts several popular podcasts in France, including Ultra Talk.

During the next journey to the Polar Circle, Arnaud and his team will make a video and photo documentary as they experience the polar winter, meet local people, learn about Nordic customs and push the limits for ultra-distance athletes. A trip into a world plunged into darkness 20 hours a day.

Such a challenge needs detailed planning. It requires not only the proper gear but also excellent athletic preparation combined with psychological training. Water and food intake, pacing and rest are planned in advance and carefully monitored during the race to prevent injuries and exhaustion.

In this particular challenge, monitoring body temperature is critical, as the temperature will always remain below zero. CORE has provided Arnaud with the technology to continuously monitor his body temperature during the whole race.

Don’t forget to follow Arnaud's Arctic Circle challenge. It’s sure to be a great experience.

Bon voyage, Arnaud!