Training and performing in the Heat
When athletes have put themselves into a heat-related extreme circumstance during training or competition, it can take months until they will be able to perform at the same level. Your body really does not like to overheat and physically will do what it can to prevent it from happening.
Monitoring your core body temperature allows you to avoid moving into a dangerous area. Cooling at the right time will not only keep you safer from potential risks, but can help with your sporting performance.
Often it is said that we need to keep hydrated during sports - which is true. But why do we need the hydration? It is because we are using bodily fluids to cool us because we are getting hot. So drinking is about replenishing the fluids so the body can sweat and subsequently cool.
To help prevent overheating there are a number of proactive steps we can take such as moderating our exertion, improving our heat acclimatization, and strategic cooling. In all cases monitoring the core body temperature provides a baseline and thresholds and is a well-documented approach for avoiding potentially dangerous heat-related risks.