Recommended Reading

There are many books about the effects of core body temperature when it comes to sport performance. We have chosen a few that we found very insightful to help get you started.

If you know of other resources that you think we may have overlooked, please Send us a message and let us know!

Additional information and resources can be found at

Printed books

Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology

Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, offers physiology students and exercise science professionals a complete look at the major topics and debates in the field of environmental physiology. In this second edition, Dr. Stephen Cheung is joined by the coauthor Dr. Phil Ainslie, who has extensive professional expertise in mountaineering and high-altitude physiology and has led numerous high-altitude research expeditions.

Website: purchase from Amazon

Heat Stress in Sport and Exercise: Thermophysiology of Health and Performance

The book is designed to provide a flowing description of the physiology of heat stress, the illnesses associated with heat exposure, recommendations on optimising health and performance, and an examination of Olympic sports played in potentially hot environmental conditions. In the first section the book examines how heat stress effects performance by outlining the basics of thermoregulation and how these responses impact on cardiovascular, central nervous system, and skeletal muscle function.

Website: purchase from Amazon

Triathlon - Erfolg auf der Langdistanz: Training für ambitionierte Athleten

Mindestens 6.500 Athleten alleine in Deutschland betreiben Triathlon mit dem Ziel Mittel- oder Langdistanz. Um sich dieser großen Herausforderung zu stellen, ist ein erfahrener Coach unabdingbar. Mario Schmidt-Wendling lässt seine Erfahrung aus über 1.000 individuell gecoachten Langdistanztriathlons in 15 Jahren als Fulltime-Coach in sein Trainingsbuch einfließen. Triathlon – Erfolg auf der Langdistanz ist ein Buch aus der Praxis für die Praxis mit wirklich verwertbaren Informationen, die jedem Athleten helfen, ein besserer Athlet zu werden.

Online resources

Our post on heat training and related topics

Trainer Road's videos on heat training

Heat Training and Endurance Performance with Dr. Chris Minson

Can heat training Actually Make You Slower?

How to Train and Race in Hot Weather

A post about Heat Training is also available on Trainer Road's website.

Training Peaks articles on heat training